Howard Gardner method

Learn to work better with the Howard Gardner method.?


Did you know that there are several types of intelligence? If we start from this postulate, we can conclude that we are all geniuses, but in a different way! This is precisely what cognitive psychologist Howard Gardner theorized in the 1990s in his book Frames of Mind . He thus distinguished 8 types of intelligences, highlighting the complexity and vastness of human thought and cognitive abilities.

Do you want to know how to use Gardner ‘s theory of multiple intelligences in your studies to be more successful? Here is an article that will be useful to you…

  1. Tour of the different intelligences according to Gardner
  2. How to use multiple intelligences to succeed in class?
  3. Tower of the different intelligences according to Gardner

According to Gardner, the concept of intelligence cannot be restricted to a universal human thought. This professor of neurology from Boston then conducted research from the end of the 1970s to better understand human intelligence. We’ll make it short: he quickly puts his finger on the fact that the unique and universal intelligence does not exist . We should therefore speak of intelligences. Yes, with an S.

Here are the 8 types of intelligence highlighted in his study, which can be grouped into 4 main categories.

Action Intelligences

it is the ability to interact and relate to others. Very often, it is said that people who work in the social sector have this type of intelligence, but we also find politicians, salespeople, Unless you are a hermit, you yourself are probably endowed with this intelligence because it is directly linked to your disposition to socialize.

– Intrapersonal : it is the ability to have a good knowledge of oneself. What are my weaknesses, my strengths, my values? Very inclined to do introspection every morning at breakfast, people who have this type of intelligence appreciate solitude and personal motivation.

💡 We can also include existential intelligence , that is to say the ability to question life and death, to reflect on the meaning of existence… But it is more difficult to identify!

School intelligence

Words and language speak particularly to holders of this type of intelligence. Clearly, it allows you to put your thoughts into words. Note also that if it is not sufficiently developed, it

it is the ability to reason logically, to count, to calculate… In short, an intelligence specific to scientists, mathematicians and engineers who like to understand the meaning of an approach and solve problems in a rational!

Einstein was very logico-mathematical!

– Musical : it is the ability to be sensitive to music, as you can imagine. Of course, sound engineers and conductors have them, but you don’t have to be a castafiore! There are also those who are sensitive to rhythmic structures, the emotional power of music and even foreign accents.

– Naturalist : as its name suggests, this is an intelligence possessed by nature lovers. Very observant and organized, they are sensitive to the environment around them, but also to psychology, social factors, the functioning of the human body…

💡 Fun fact: naturalist intelligence was not in the original list. It wasn’t until 1996 that Gardner added it.

Methodological intelligences

Do you have great coordination, do you dance like a god and do you have unparalleled reflexes? This is called kinesthetic intelligence. People with this intelligence control their bodies well and particularly enjoy manual work, exercise, experiments, learning by moving…

– Visuo-spatial : A good sense of direction, a very visual memory, a sense for art and colors… No doubt, it’s visuo-spatial intelligence. The images produced by the brain will help its holders to think and understand and memorize information.

 How to use multiple intelligences to succeed in class?

Now that you know the multiple intelligences of Howard Gardner, you may have asked yourself some questions about the categories to which you belong. Not so fast, sailor. In reality, we all have each of them, but in varying amounts . On the other hand, there are often 3 or 4 preferential forms, which tend to be mobilized more. And it is precisely on this that we must rest to succeed!

Trust your memory

You probably already know that we all have a predominant type of memory between visual, auditory and kinesthetic. It is therefore very likely that your type of memory is directly related to one of the types of intelligence that we have previously mentioned. Thereby,

If there is a way to stimulate all three at the same time while boosting your memorization , it is the review sheets . Indeed, by rewriting your course, you put your body in motion, thus working on your bodily intelligence and maximizing your chances of retaining information. Seeing diagrams, different fonts, colors and any other visual element will then help you to better assimilate everything thanks to visual-spatial intelligence. Finally, once your sheet is finished, reading it out loud will help you practice your sense of rhythm and grasp the last details!

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