revision schedule

How to mack a revision schedule for your exams.?


With the approach of the specialty tests in March, exams the baccalaureate tests in June, or even supervised homework, it is sometimes difficult to organize. What could be better than a good revision schedule to pass your exams! How to optimize your time? digi School gives you some tips for making a good revision schedule.

A  revision schedule  involves clearly exams defining your priorities to highlight the most important things to revise. You then have to define the stages of your revision schedule: what to start with, in what order, etc. And above all,  you have to stick to it  ! A schedule of revisions is made to be followed, otherwise it is useless to make one.


A good  revision schedule  is a balance between different constraints exams . The most important when you make your  revision schedule  and determine precisely what your priorities will be. Indeed, you never have too much time to prepare for the partials and it is better to cultivate a flawless organization.

The first factor to take into account when  planning your revisions exams.  is the coefficient of each  exam . Indeed, some subjects may require a lot of effort to get a good grade, but if that’s the case, it still has to be worth the effort.

Warning  : the idea is to spend more time on subjects with high coefficients, not to ignore secondary subjects, a strategy that can be expensive!

In the same vein, also consider your own level. If you already know a subject very well, no need to spend 30 hours on it. On the other hand, if you are weak in certain areas, it is better to give them more time. Keep in mind that it’s better to have balanced scores rather than racking up all 18s and 3s.

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The steps of a good revision program

It is still necessary, before getting organized and establishing your  schedule of revisions , to know what to do. Try to define the tasks that await you: writing review sheets, doing proofreading, some exercises, and so on. Also remember to include preparation for oral exams, if there are any.

Prioritize  regular revisions  in each subject, rather than concentrating one subject over one day.

A  revision schedule  must indeed be balanced. For instance :

If you want to be efficient, it is better to be realistic from the start about the amount of work you will provide (even if it means doing a little more) rather than overestimating yourself and preparing a  revision schedule  that you will only half complete or, worse, will discourage you!

Then, and even if it may seem boring and not very useful, take the time to make your  revision schedule . If you pass it, you will be able to better manage your time, reduce your stress, and meet all the conditions to pass your  exams  or  partials.

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