organizing your revisions

6 tips for organizing your revisions Coaching.?


In two or three months Coaching, it will be the end of the year. But before celebrating with all your friends and going to take it easy on vacation (for the lucky ones), you’ll have to go through the “exams” box. Some will have to face the patent, others the baccalaureate and others the partial end of the year. Important exams, which will therefore have to be prepared as required. And to best optimize your way of studying and put the odds on your side, here is a little guide to make an ultra-efficient revision schedule.

1.Tidy up your classes

Unless you are an extremely organized student , it may be a good idea to put your lessons away and sort them before you start revising, to check that you have them all and put them in the good order , with the chapters on one side, the exercises and assignments on the other. This will make it easier for you to find your way around later and save time.

2.Make an overhaul plan

The high school students  Coaching  who obtain the mentions “Good” or “Very Good” are those who prepare a concrete revision plan. All you have to do is take a large sheet and write down day by day (or week by week) what you need to review, reread or work on, taking into account your constraints and your free time. It is advisable to distribute the time allocated to each subject according to the coefficients. It is better to spend more time reviewing a subject that has a high coefficient rather than obsessing over a subject with a small coefficient.

3.Prepare review sheets

To revise quickly, efficiently and from anywhere, we think of revision sheets . They make it possible to summarize in a double-sided sheet the key points, definitions and important dates of each chapter. If you have the time, do not hesitate to make additional sheets on specific themes, by period, movement, biography, formulas, dates , to ensure you have complete knowledge.

4.Alternate reviews and exercises

Revising is fine, but it’s no use if you don’t fully understand the course in question. And that’s what exercises are for! It is therefore important that you alternate the two. The idea is to do one exercise per chapter to check that you have understood it correctly . Ditto, don’t hesitate to alternate solo work sessions with group work sessions. If the first allows you to be more concentrated, the second allows you to unlock certain things you stumble on, to encourage others and to make revisions more pleasant.

5.Alternate subjects

The mistake that many high school and college students make? Spend several hours or all day on the same subject. To avoid saturating, it is rather advisable to vary the materials. Rather than spending 3 hours on the same one, we alternate 30 minutes to 1 hour with one subject, such as math, then 30 minutes to 1 hour with another , such as English, and so on.

6.Schedule time for yourself

It is important to know how to take breaks and decompress during your revisions. There is no point in revising day and night. On the contrary, it may be counterproductive because you will get tired and lose concentration. The brain, to function properly, needs to rest from time to time . So don’t hesitate to go for a walk in the open air, a cinema with friends, have a drink on the terrace, read a book, watch an episode of a series or even do some sport when you feel like you’re not can’t revise anymore. And above all, don’t forget to sleep at least 8 hours a night to be in good shape!

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