
6 tips for a successful Master’thesis.?


That’s it, your Master years are coming to Writing! After five years of hard work and an internship, are you ready to graduate and start a great career? Moment butterfly, before the big leap into the unknown, there is still a small formality. in your Master’s thesis , mission impossible? Nay! To end it all on a high note, we have prepared 6 tips for you to ensure this result, from writing to the defense.

Tip n°1: never do it at the last moment 2. Tip n°2: choose a topic that speaks to you 3. Tip n°3: organize yourself well, that’s the key 4. Tip n °4: a solid problem and plan for a successful dissertation 5. Tip n°5: pay close attention to the bibliography 6. Tip n°6: bet on careful writing.

Tip #1: never do it at the last moment

There are several types of dissertation (research dissertation, professional dissertation, etc.). It’s a kind of big dissertation that is there to attest to your skills in a certain field, your apprehension of the professional world or the problems encountered during your internship Writing. This end-of-studies dissertation represents long-term work that easily spreads over several months. First there is the research phase, then the writing and finally the layout, not to mention the constant back and forth to perfect everything… In other words, it is (frankly) impossible to start it at the last minute Writing.

By doing it much too late, you risk not going deep enough in your research, not taking the time to read it again, rushing the rendering… It’s quite risky! The work therefore begins at the start of your training or internship. So think right from the start about the problems you encounter and which you would like to address: it will put you in the mood and you will already start thinking memory, sleeping memory, eating memory.

Do not hesitate to keep a notebook to list what can be useful to you: situations, quotes from your tutor or your teachers Writing, concrete examples to illustrate your emerging theories… You will be really happy to find all this a few months later, at the time to write 80 pages! 😉

Tip #2: Choose a topic that speaks to you

This is often the first step in any dissertation Writing : the subject. This is also what scares students the most, since some themes simply do not lend themselves to the exercise. You may not have material to develop or even be taken off topic… Don’t panic, here are our tips to be comfortable with your choice:

– Choose a topic that interests you . You’re going to have to write about it for several months and study it up and down and across. It would be a shame to take a default subject that will bore you and that you risk suffering!

– Don’t aim (too much) for the moon. Being ambitious is good, but the best thing is to choose a subject that is within your reach. Remember that you are not there to discover a theme, but to deepen it- Also favor subjects for which you are sure to find resources (articles, books, etc.). Your thesis will belong to you, but to enhance it, you will have to use various sources to support your remarks. Don’t worry: rare are the subjects that have never been explored. Still take a little trip to the library to check .- Remember that you have an internship tutor and/or a referent teacher to help you find and validate the perfect subject . You are not on your own, and you can refer to them when needed.

Tip #3: Get Organized, That’s Key

Most of the time, the end-of-studies dissertation is to be returned at the end of an internship in a company. It’s not always easy to write 80 pages with 35 hours of work per week, not to mention transport, the social life you want to keep and other unforeseen events Writing… The best way to have an overview of the times you can use to write this famous memory? It will allow you to allocate slots for each of your needs and will thus help you to anticipate the deadline.

We also recommend that you get into the habit of making weekly or Writing monthly schedules as soon as your subject is validated. You will have no excuse to get straight to!Writing the thesis is divided into several stages. You must manage to give yourself a deadline not to exceed for each of them. Divide the months that separate you from the rendering according to Writing:

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